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Bookbinding Basics

Bookbinding in Italy

Fish Skin in Bookbinding

The history and characteristics of traditional Korean books and bookbinding

An attempt at reconstruction of early Islamic bookbinding: The box binding.

Bookbinding for Amateurs

Bookbinding Art in the Ottoman Empire (XVth-XIXth Centuries)

Bookbinding According to Diderot: An Exploration of Eighteenth-Century French Binding

Transforming structured descriptions to visual representations. An automated visualization of historical bookbinding structures.

Bookbinding and industrial archaeology: a memory of instruments and machines.

The discovery of original bookbinding finishing tools at the monastery of St. Catherine’s

Bookbinding Information on the Web: Breaking the Circle, from Pixels to Linked Open Data

Felicity Cooke formerly Hunt London printing and bookbinding exclusion dilution and deskilling for women.

“Abdel-Zaher Atelier: The Art of Bookbinding” — in Turath: Egypt’s Heritage Review, Issue 2 (Cairo, November 2008).

Orta Çağ İslâm Cildlerinde ‘Sikatî Billah’ Mührü (‘Sikati Billah’ Seal on Medieval Islamic Bookbinding).

Aesthetic Bildung in Vocational Education: The Biographical Case of Bookbinding Master Wolfgang B. and His Apprenticeship.

Stiff-Board Vellum Binding with Slotted Spine. A Survey of a Historical Bookbinding Structure – Silvia Pugliese.

The transition from Byzantine to post-Byzantine bookbinding. A statistical analysis of some crucial changes.

“Post-Byzantine Armenian Bookbinding and Its Relationship to the Greek Tradition,” proceedings of an international conference Athens, Greece, October 13-16, 2005, Vivlioamphiasts 3. The Book in Byzantium: Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Bookbinding, Niki Tsironis, editor, Athens, 2008, pp. 163-176.

The conservation of an early 16th-century bound Greek manuscript: An insight into Byzantine bookbinding through conservation.

Переплетные доски русских рукописей: составные доски XVI–XVII веков / Bookbinding boards of Russian manuscripts: composite boards of the 16th-17th centuries.

‘A drawing is worth a thousand words’. Drawing as a tool for the documentation of historic bookbinding structures.

Osmanlı Kitap Kabı Şemselerindeki Serbest Dolantı Bulut Motifi Örnekleri (Examples of Free Cloud Ribbon Motifs in Medallions of Ottoman Bookbinding).

Dickran Kouymjian, “Armenian Bookbinding from Manuscript to Printed Book (16th– 19th cent.),” Gazette du livre médiéval, no. 49 (Autumn, 2006), pp. 1-14.

Bound by Tradition. New ways and old paths in Yemeni bookbinding workshops between XIXth and XXth centuries, in Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen 20 (Juillet 2015), 38-63.

16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Cild Sanatı ve Bursa İnebey Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi’ndeki Tam Zemin Tezyînâtlı Örnekleri (16th Century Art of Ottoman Bookbinding and Full Floor Decoration Examples in Bursa Inebey Manuscript Library).

«Satisfying an Appetite for Books: Innovation, Production, and Modernization in Later Islamic Bookbinding,» in Persian Language, Literature, and Culture: New Leaves, Fresh Looks. Edited by Kamran Talattof. 365–94. (London: Routledge, 2015).

“From Manuscript to Printed Book: Armenian Bookbinding from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century,” History of Printing & Publishing in the Middle East, BnF, Paris, 2005, Ph. Sadgrove, ed., Journal of Semitic Studies, Supple. 24 (2008), pp. 13-21, 276-297 (pls).