Los Gutenbergs de América Latina

«A mediados del siglo XVI, la tipografía se extendió con la rapidez del viento por toda America Latina. Tan solo 50 años después de la llegada de los españoles, el oficio de impresor ya estaba en auge. Para los pioneros, sin embargo, el negocio de la impresión no era nada rentable, como lo demuestran los […]

Printing in Mexico in the 17th Century. By Manuel Toussaint

Printing in Mexico, which had such a brilliant start in the 16th century, continued to grow no less flourishing in the following centuries. The Old styles letter called «de Tortis», that made the books of that century so similar to European «incunables», disappeared to make room for the Roman type, so common all over the […]

Old Mexican Prints. By Gabriel Fernandez Ledesma

One of the most important branches of Mexican folklore is reaveled by the prints of a popular character illustrated by woodcuts or metal engravings which circulated abundantly during the 19th Century. We do not refer in this brief article to books or fascicles. We will only review certain examples of prints of another kind which […]